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  • Eric Anderson

Structural foundation engineering, and the benefit of decades of experience

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

What you see here is the result of foundation expertise, experience and structural foundation planning. When it all comes together it's a smooth process. But it doesn't happen by chance.

It all starts with our Sinai team. First, we analyze your soft story property, and determine your options (yes you do have options). We're always working hand in hand with the city as a partner. This insures the Soft Story Retrofit options we give you are blessed by the city and you get no structural foundation surprises.

At the end of the day, our process makes sure no foundation problems slip through the cracks with your Soft Story Retrofit plans, city requirements and other various departments. It's the Sinai foundation repair company team, knowing what you need from the city, and what department to go to get it, that gets your plans approved and permits in a timely fashion.

If you have a Soft Story Retrofit project you'd like to discuss, contact one of our Sinai Foundation Experts or give us a call at (323) 655-0960. We've been doing Structural Foundation Repair in Los Angeles longer than anyone, there's not a foundation repair problem we haven't seen and solved. You're soft story building is in good hands with Sinai Construction Engineering.


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